
Top Singer Ed Sheeran Stole a Marvin Gaye Song?

Top Singer Ed Sheeran Stole a Marvin Gaye Song? - 36

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The music world was shocked by the sad news by a British singer-songwriter from Halifax, West Yorkshire. Ed Sheeran was accused of copying Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" for the song "Thinking Out Loud" which had gone viral since its release in 2014.
Here are a series of interesting facts that we have summarized from several news sources.
1. What song is the debate about?
Marvin Gaye's song "Let's Get It On" was released in 1973.

Ed Sheeran's song "Thinking Out Loud" was released in 2014.
2. Who is the plaintiff?
Kathryn Townsend Griffin.
Kathryn is the daughter of the late Ed Townsend, who co-wrote and produced "Let's Get It On" with Marvin Gaye.
3. Who is the defendant?

Ed Sheeran, Warner Music Group, and Sony Music Publishing.
4. Which part of the song looks similar?
Similarities in chord progressions and rhythm. According to Sheeran's lawyer, Ilene Farkas, the resemblance is only limited to the letters of the musical alphabet or basic musical building blocks that everyone should be free to use.
One music expert says that the four-chord sequence was used in several songs before Gaye's hit came out in 1973.
5. Who won in federal court in Manhattan, New York?
The judge stated that Ed Sheeran independently created a song called "Thinking Out Loud". Based on this decision, Ed Sheeran was declared free from all charges and won the trial.
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