Place Cheap Ads
Here are some of the types of advertising we are currently offering:
Link Ads (estimated: 150-300 clicks / month)

- Text length: between 10 - 40 characters
- Placement location: above the linked chord link
- Placement page: all pages in the directory (
- Advertising price for 6 month
- Cost: $250 / 6 month
Banner Ads (estimate: 350-600 clicks / month)

- Image width: 500px
- Image height: 200px
- Max image size: 70kb
- Image extension: JPG/JPEG/PNG
- Placement location: below the main content
- Placement page: all pages in the directory (
- Advertising price for 6 month
- Cost: $500 / 6 month
Note: To keep the site responsive on all types of devices, the width and height of the images will be adjusted automatically for smaller screen widths, such as smartphones.
Placement Ads
- Creative created by you: $10
- Creative created by Me: $15
- Maximum number of links: 3 links
- Advertising price for FOREVER (no time limit).
- Placement page: all pages in the directory (
Terms and Conditions
- Advertising materials, including text and images, must not contain elements of "gambling, murder, blasphemy, illegal drugs".
- We do not guarantee that your ad will be clicked by visitors to this site.
- The approximate numbers we make are based on personal research, and the results for different links, the results may also be different.
- Your ad will be displayed to all visitors to this site, without exception.
- All links must be: Dofollow
- Contact us:
- Payment method: PayPal (for Indonesia, bisa pakai bank lokal)