

singer MARINA

Album : New Single
Released : February 21, 2025
Genre : Pop

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Posted : February 25, 2025

Chords used Am, F, G, Dm, C, Em

no capo!
Am F Am GAm F Am G
[verse (1)]
Amsometimes Fpeople gonna Amlet you Gdown
Amnot everyFbody's meant to Amstick aGround
Ami feel the Fpain and you Amfeel it Gtoo
but Ami won't let noFbody Amtreat me like you Gdo
Ami've had eDmnough of Gbeing on my Fown
Amall these Dmpeople Ci don't Gknow Am----Dm----Am--
i guess i'll Gmake it on my Amown Dm----Am----F--
[pre chorus]
so, i'm Amsaying goodDmbye, goodAmbye -G-
watch me Amgrow from aDmfar
as i Amturn into a EmbutterfAmly (ah-Dmah, ah-Amah)
Gnow i'm leaving Amyou beDmhindAm-- beEmhind
Amyeah, i'm a Dmbutterfly
Amyou just never Gsee my enerAmgy
i'm alDmready high, Amfloating on a Embreeze
butterAmfly Dm----Am----G-
Amyeah, i'm a Dmbutterfly
Amyou've just never Gseen me spread my Amwings
i'm alDmready high
Amwatch my life go Embling, bling
Am-- so i've Dmbecome a AmbutterfGly
i just Amfly--Dm-----Am---- Emhigh
[verse (2)]
Amno longer a Fbaby, yeah, i Ambeen aGround
Ami can see how Fpeople like to Ammove in this Gtown
Amtrust no Fbitch, even Ampeople that you Glove
Ami can flip a Fswitch quicker Amthan a blade Gdoes
[pre chorus]
so, i'm Amsaying goodDmbye, goodAmbye -G-
watch me Amshine like a Dmstar
like a Amstar in the Emsky (ah-Amah, ah-Amah)
Gnow i'm leaving Amyou beDmhindAm-- beEmhind
Amyeah, i'm a Dmbutterfly
Amyou just never Gsee my enerAmgy
i'm alDmready high, Amfloating on a Embreeze
butterAmfly Dm----Am----G-
Amfly--Dm-----Am---- Emhigh
Amyeah, i'm a Dmbutterfly
Amyou've just never Gseen me spread my Amwings
i'm alDmready high
Amwatch my life go Embling, bling
Am-- so i've Dmbecome a AmbutterfGly
i just Amfly--Dm-----Am---- Emhigh
Cred, gold, Dmorange, blue
Amwhite, green, Fviolet too
C-- too bad you'll Dmnever see
Am-- the colours Ginside me
C--to become a Dmbutterfly
Am-- parts of me Fhad to die
C--spread my wings in the Dmgolden light
and i Amfly -G----F-
and i Amfly Dm--
Amyeah, i'm a Dmbutterfly
Amyou just never Gsee my enerAmgy
i'm alDmready high, Amfloating on a Embreeze
butterAmfly Dm----Am----G-
Amfly--Dm-----Am---- Emhigh
Amyeah, i'm a Dmbutterfly
Amyou've just never Gseen me spread my Amwings
i'm alDmready high
Amwatch my life go Embling, bling
Am-- so i've Dmbecome a AmbutterfGly
i just Amfly--Dm-----Am---- Emhigh
so Dmi fly,C i--G flyF, iDm flyC (flGy)
inFto thCe lGight,F the lDmight C(liGghtF)--Dm
i'm gonna Amfly, gonna Dmfly like Amyou've never sGeen
Amthought that you Dmdid, but you Amdon't know Emme
Am-- too Dmbad you'll Amnever sGee
Am-- the Dmcolours Aminside mEme
Am-- too Fbad you'll Amnever Gsee
Am-- the Fcolours Aminside Gme